Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The First to Judge

The self righteous are always the first to judge.


A mind that is full of darkness will forever search for the light that hangs above them - to die, only having seen the cast of shadows


Most artists are actually very private. Trapped in their own minds with the only form of communication to the outside being their art. Their production is their communication. For as silent as they may seem they are actually the loudest ones in the room for they’ve spilled out their truth, their inner being and, in some form, seek acceptance and love from you. The audience. It is the most intimate and, simultaneously, open relationship accepted by the masses in which both parties hope neither quits the other.

Love A Man.

Love a man that loves to think and over think for he struggles to always be better than himself. That’s why he can get cranky for no reason. That’s why he laughs at stupid things with you. That’s why when he really smiles he means it. Because sometimes, not always, thinks he’ll never be good enough. Even though you love him for all that he is and is not.

Insane Bravery

Sometimes all you've got is a good idea and insane bravery. That's enough to get you started.

Friends Like These

The purpose of your individuality is to challenge the integrity of those who call themselves your friends.

The Others

The impact we have on others is often, if not always, much more substantial than the one we have on ourselves.

Be Genuine

You will get nowhere with being nice but everywhere with being genuine.


Can you afford to have some distance from the one you love in order to appreciate them being there?


The more I'm challenged, the greater I've become.


Frustration is an illusion. It's simply the inability to understand what we wish we could.

Stay Focused

If you concern yourself too much with what other people are doing then their success deserves to surpass yours.

Kindness and Discipline

Life is the direct result of the amount of kindness and discipline you treat yourself with.

The Chase

Whoever you end up with, will never waste time trying to get you.

All In

Dive in. Dive deep. You'll regret more if you don't.

Monday, August 25, 2014


It’s your life. You don’t want to die wishing you were a bit more narcissistic.

The Box

Suspend the need to categorize & rationalize the things that you like. The universe never ordained that you had to. 


There’s an invisible line that connects us to every truly important person in our lives. We may not see or hear them often. We may lose each other for months or years to life, to lovers, and strangers but we can always pick up where we left off like nothing ever disrupted what has always been there. That’s where magic exists. 

A Little Bit of Everything

Somewhere between curiosity, luck, and practice I achieve spectacular things.

The Journey

Photography is the celebration of all the small, medium, and big things that make our lives in this world. It helps us enjoy the journey more than the destination


There’s nothing beautiful or romantic about battle other than its philosophy of purpose.


Life is so much more rewarding when you’re brave.

No Explanations

Nobody will ever fully know how hard you work, how much you’ve sacrificed and it doesn’t matter. You’re not here living this life to get as many check marks from others as possible. Friends don’t give check marks, friends give applause and support. So anyone that ever criticizes your happiness - fuck’em. In the moment that you’re fucking happy - be happy because you know just what you had to go through to get there.

Soul of a Kind

Someday, you’ll find someone whose soul will hum in sync with yours.

Keep Writing

Ultimately, when you enter a relationship you begin writing a story with another person. Will it be a sentence, chapter, novel, or series? Will you be willing to expose your faults and your triumphs on the pages of their life and allow others to read them? If you want a story with someone you must be willing to make mistakes in ink. Mistakes, good and bad alike, stay a while and then they change. When you like someone, mistakes don’t matter as long as you keep writing.

Choose Your Own Path

We are all as various birds: some fly, some bear the cold, some lead, and some follow. And yet, regardless of our role, we are all adept to journey destinations.

Be earnest to love

Be earnest to love when it feels right.

Terrifying and Amazing

 If it's both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it.